15 June 2024
351st Session of the Governing Body
Programme and tentative order of business
Institutional Section (INS)
1. Election of the Officers of the Governing Body for 2024–25
No document
3. Appointment of Governing Body committees and bodies and of the Board of the International Training Centre of the ILO (GB.351/INS/3)
4. Questions arising out of the 112th Session of the International Labour Conference requiring immediate attention
No document
5. Adoption of the Statement of the Working Party on the New Social Contract for our Common Agenda (GB.351/INS/5)
Publication expected by 14 June
6. Review of the functioning of the Governing Body, identification of possible areas for improvement and arrangements and time frame for results-based follow-up action
7. Developments in the application of the resolution concerning the Russian Federation’s aggression against Ukraine from the perspective of the mandate of the International Labour Organization (GB.351/INS/7)
8. Complaint alleging non-observance by Guatemala of the Freedom of Association and Protection of the Right to Organise Convention, 1948 (No. 87), and the Right to Organise and Collective Bargaining Convention, 1949 (No. 98) (GB.351/INS/8)
9. Follow-up to the report of the Commission of Inquiry on the non-observance by Myanmar of C87 and 29, and to the resolutions concerning Myanmar adopted Myanmar adopted by the ILC at its 102nd (2013) and 109th (2021) Sessions
10. Report of the Committee on Freedom of Association (GB.351/INS/10)
To be published after adoption of the report by the Governing Body scheduled on 15 June
11. Regular report of the Director-General (If necessary)
Supplementary reports (if any) Reports of tripartite committees established to examine representations submitted under article 24 of the ILO Constitution (to be considered in a private sitting)
12. Reports of the Officers of the Governing Body (If any)
Receivability of representations submitted under article 24 of the ILO Constitution (to be considered in a private sitting) To be published after the meeting of the Officers of the Governing Body
13. Composition, agenda and programme of standing bodies and meetings (GB.351/INS/13)
Document submitted for information
Useful contacts
Participation, credentials and registration of speakers:
Amendments, comments and general inquiries:
Prepared statements for interpreters:
Meeting reservation:
ILO Security Centre: R3 North- Tel. 022 799 80 15
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ILO Governing Body
International Labour Conference