People gathering at a large meeting room.

Ratifying and implementing C122, C88 and C181

Adapting to a new world of work

24 May 2024

Plenary sitting of the 110th Session of the International Labour Conference at the Human Rights and Alliance of Civilizations Room in the Palace of Nations in Geneva, June 2022. © ILO

The ILO is mandated to promote “full, productive, and freely chosen employment” as stated in the Employment Policy Convention, 1964 (No. 122), which calls upon States to declare and pursue an active policy designed to promote full and productive employment as a major goal while taking into account the stage and level of economic development and the mutual relationships between employment objectives and other economic and social objectives, as well as national circumstances. 

An employment policy as envisioned by the ILO is not ‘just’ a social policy to fight against unemployment, but an integrated policy framework that aims to influence the content of economic, sectoral and social policies. It is negotiated through active social dialogue to address inequalities and promote a fair distribution of wealth.

Public employment services have a central role in implementing national employment policies, fostering recovery from crises and to ensure efficient and well-functioning labour markets. The ILO's Employment Service Convention, 1948 (No. 88) calls on governments to maintain a free nationwide public employment service, promoting a human-centred approach based on decent work principles and by standing for inclusiveness in the labour market.

To support optimally functioning labour markets, and to help prevent abusive and exploitative practices in labour recruiting, the ILO encourages Member States to ratify and implement the Private Employment Agencies Convention, 1997 (No. 181). Private employment agencies can offer critical support to employers and workers in adapting to economic crises and changes, assisting them in redeploying resources and navigating job transitions.

Key publications

Two decades of national employment policies 2000-2020 - Employment policy design: Lessons from the past, policies for the future
Report Cover of Part I: Two decades of national employment policies 2000-2020

Two decades of national employment policies 2000-2020 - Employment policy design: Lessons from the past, policies for the future

Public employment services and active labour market policies for transitions: Responses to mega trends and crises
Global Report Part I: Public employment services and ALMPs

Public employment services and active labour market policies for transitions: Responses to mega trends and crises

Learn more about

Employment services
Employees in this restaurant kitchen found work with the help of Shaw Trust. The national charity is one of the largest third sector providers of employment services for disabled and disadvantaged people in the UK.

Employment services

Employment promotion
Woman sitting at computer across from male co-worker

Employment promotion

Employment Policy Action Facility
Cover for EPAF decorative_2024_en

Employment Policy Action Facility

ILO Employment Policy, Job Creation and Livelihoods Department
Two men painting on a building

ILO Employment Policy, Job Creation and Livelihoods Department