All events for country
ILO Research Department Webinar
Using vacancy data to study skills dynamics
How COVID-19 affects Europeans and the EU labour market
Demonstrating commitment and leadership on equal pay – an EPIC Pledging Event
Rodolfo Mederos concert at the IV Global Conference on Child Labour
EPIC First Meeting of Key Stakeholders in Berlin
Christmas concert by the Fanny Hensel Music School, Berlin, dedicated to the Initiative
FES/ILO/DGRV International Symposium on Cooperatives and the Sustainable Development Goals: Focus on Africa
Global South-South Development Expo 2013
Sustainable Development and Decent Work Solution Forum
Course"Identifying and investigating cases of forced labour and trafficking"
European Practices in Collective Bargaining
Training "Identifying and investigating cases of forced labour and trafficking"
The Impact of the Crisis on Work Inequalities and Wages in Europe
Human trafficking for labour exploitation in Germany
Severe labour exploitation of migrant workers - latest developments in politics and practice
Regional Conference in Tbilisi, Georgia: Building partnerships to combat human trafficking and forced labour
A Rights-based Approach to Counter Labor Trafficking – U.S. and German Experiences
Practical Insights into the Combat against Trafficking for Labour Exploitation
Global Labour University Conference, 14-16 September 2010, Berlin, Germany