All events for country
Sub-regional workshop
Sub-regional workshop on on promoting social dialogue and decent work in the railways sector
ILO- ITUC Africa
High level panel on Migrant workers' contribution to the development of the African continent
Africa marked the World Day Against Child Labour in Africa and the Day of the African Child!
Developing Frameworks for Recovery and Prosperity from the COVID-19 Pandemic
Tripartite technical workshop for the SADC region on Investing in the health workforce: employment and decent work in the health sector
Workshop for Public Employment Services (PES) officials in SADC region
SATUCC Labour Symposium
2014 Joint Technical Sub-Committees and Consensus Building
Zimbabwe-South Africa Bi-national Consultation Workshop
African Judges trained on labour law
Seminar on Sustainable Development in Postal Services in African countries
Botswana launched a new Decent Work Country Program
Sub-regional Workshop on Social Dialogue in the Public Service
ILO/UPU Regional Seminar on Social Dialogue in Postal Services in Africa