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Le projet ''An Ka Baara'' renforce les capacités d'une vingtaine de staffs techniques de l'OIT sur les approches de Développement de Systèmes de Marché (DSM) à Bamako au Mali
La formation vise à faire un briefing sur l’introduction à l’approche DSM, compréhension d’une chaîne de valeur et la gestion d’un projet de développement de systèmes de marché au Mali

Le projet ''An Ka Baara'' renforce les capacités d'une vingtaine de staffs techniques de l'OIT sur les approches de Développement de Systèmes de Marché (DSM) à Bamako au Mali

Knowledge sharing forum: Innovative solutions to reduce child labour and forced labour in Africa
Women in Malawi dancing to receive visitors

Knowledge sharing forum: Innovative solutions to reduce child labour and forced labour in Africa

Farmworker Indaba Highlights Social Challenges on Wine Farms
Child Labour project National Project Coordinator presenting

Farmworker Indaba Highlights Social Challenges on Wine Farms

Youth Leadership in Action: Supporting work for, with, and by young people in forced displacement
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ECOSOC Youth Forum 2024

Youth Leadership in Action: Supporting work for, with, and by young people in forced displacement

Strengthening the Common Approach on BLMA and Skills Development among LMAG in EHoA
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Strengthening the Common Approach on BLMA and Skills Development among LMAG in EHoA

Tracking Progress: FCDO's In-Depth Review of Labour Migration Interventions in Kenya
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Tracking Progress: FCDO's In-Depth Review of Labour Migration Interventions in Kenya

Training on Extending Social Protection to Migrant Workers
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Training on Extending Social Protection to Migrant Workers

Africa Labour Migration Conference
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Africa Labour Migration Conference

Inclusive private sector development in forced displacement contexts
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Inclusive private sector development in forced displacement contexts

Training on evidence-based policymaking for the African Labour Research Network (ALRN)
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ILO Research Department Training

Training on evidence-based policymaking for the African Labour Research Network (ALRN)

Regional training on evidence-based policymaking (Cote d’Ivoire, Benin, Burkina Faso, Mali, Niger and Togo)
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ILO Research Department Training

Regional training on evidence-based policymaking (Cote d’Ivoire, Benin, Burkina Faso, Mali, Niger and Togo)

Workers' Education and Capacity Building for Trade Union Revitalization in the Arab States
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Regional Symposium, 28-30 August 2023

Workers' Education and Capacity Building for Trade Union Revitalization in the Arab States

Workers' Education and Capacity Building for Trade Union Revitalization in Africa
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Regional Symposium, 23-25 August 2023

Workers' Education and Capacity Building for Trade Union Revitalization in Africa

Sub-regional workshop on on promoting social dialogue and decent work in the railways sector
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Sub-regional workshop

Sub-regional workshop on on promoting social dialogue and decent work in the railways sector

Training on the 19th ICLS Resolution on Employment and Labour Underutilization and the 20th ICLS Resolution on Work Relationship and Labour Migration for Tanzania
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Training on the 19th ICLS Resolution on Employment and Labour Underutilization and the 20th ICLS Resolution on Work Relationship and Labour Migration for Tanzania

Regional meeting on "Women in Mining: women for a more inclusive mining future in Africa"
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Regional meeting on "Women in Mining: women for a more inclusive mining future in Africa"

International Conference on Statistics of Cooperative – Measuring Cooperatives and Beyond
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International Conference on Statistics of Cooperative – Measuring Cooperatives and Beyond

Pro-employment Macroeconomic and Sectoral Strategies for SADC Member States training
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SADC secretariat and ITCILO 5-days training

Pro-employment Macroeconomic and Sectoral Strategies for SADC Member States training

The 19th Regional Seminar for Labour-based Practitioners
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Regional Seminar

The 19th Regional Seminar for Labour-based Practitioners

The Blue Commons: How Privatising the Sea expands the Precariat by Guy Standing
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Research Seminar

The Blue Commons: How Privatising the Sea expands the Precariat by Guy Standing