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Integrating contributory and non-contributory social protection in Oman
a man packaging plant for Amouage perfume bottles

Arab Social Protection Compass Webinar series: Part I

Integrating contributory and non-contributory social protection in Oman

Arab Social Protection Compass “Towards Integrated Approaches for Universal Social Protection”
Pendulum on a map

Webinar Series

Arab Social Protection Compass “Towards Integrated Approaches for Universal Social Protection”

Le projet ''An Ka Baara'' renforce les capacités d'une vingtaine de staffs techniques de l'OIT sur les approches de Développement de Systèmes de Marché (DSM) à Bamako au Mali
La formation vise à faire un briefing sur l’introduction à l’approche DSM, compréhension d’une chaîne de valeur et la gestion d’un projet de développement de systèmes de marché au Mali

Le projet ''An Ka Baara'' renforce les capacités d'une vingtaine de staffs techniques de l'OIT sur les approches de Développement de Systèmes de Marché (DSM) à Bamako au Mali

Policy dialogue on extending social insurance coverage for herders
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Formalization of the Informal Economy project

Policy dialogue on extending social insurance coverage for herders

Training on extending social insurance coverage for workers in the informal economy

RBSA project

Training on extending social insurance coverage for workers in the informal economy

ILO-Formalization of the Informal Economy Project organised a two-day training for social insurance staff in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. The training was conducted in collaboration with the International Social Security Association (ISSA).  

Consultation on the FORLAC 2.0 proposal
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Consultation on the FORLAC 2.0 proposal

Implementation of the RBSA Project "Promoting the transition to formalization through integrated approaches in Cambodia": First-Year Progress Update.
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Implementation of the RBSA Project "Promoting the transition to formalization through integrated approaches in Cambodia": First-Year Progress Update.

COP28: Follow ILO events streamed from the Just Transition Pavilion
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1-11 December 2023

COP28: Follow ILO events streamed from the Just Transition Pavilion

Conclave on Promotion of Sustainable Enterprises for Local Development
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Conclave on Promotion of Sustainable Enterprises for Local Development

Inclusive private sector development in forced displacement contexts
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Inclusive private sector development in forced displacement contexts

21st International Conference of Labour Statisticians
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21st International Conference of Labour Statisticians

ILO launched a new project to promote transition to formality in Mongolia
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ILO launched a new project to promote transition to formality in Mongolia

Operationalizing the Humanitarian-Development-Peace Nexus through Decent Work
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Roundtable discussion at the Stockholm Forum on Peace and Development 2023

Operationalizing the Humanitarian-Development-Peace Nexus through Decent Work

Employment policies for social justice
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5th Employment Policy Research Symposium, 11-12 May 2023

Employment policies for social justice

Technical workshop on Care, Decent Work and Macroeconomic Policy
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UN Women - ILO Joint Programme

Technical workshop on Care, Decent Work and Macroeconomic Policy

Launch of the Employment Policy Action Facility (EPAF)
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Virtual Event

Launch of the Employment Policy Action Facility (EPAF)

Strengthening apprenticeship systems in the informal economy in Africa to promote quality, innovation and transitions to formality
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Regional workshop

Strengthening apprenticeship systems in the informal economy in Africa to promote quality, innovation and transitions to formality

Tripartite Meeting of Experts in Labour Statistics on the Revision of the Standards for Statistics on Informality
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Tripartite Meeting of Experts in Labour Statistics on the Revision of the Standards for Statistics on Informality

Executive course on Strategic Compliance Planning
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Labour inspection

Executive course on Strategic Compliance Planning

Webinar: Dynamics of paid and unpaid domestic work in urban India
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Webinar: Dynamics of paid and unpaid domestic work in urban India