Governing Body documents

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Programme and tentative order of business of the 351st Session of the ILO Governing Body (15 June 2024)


Programme and tentative order of business of the 351st Session of the ILO Governing Body (15 June 2024)

Composition, agenda and programme of standing bodies and meetings
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Composition, agenda and programme of standing bodies and meetings

Composition of the Governing Body of the International labour Office
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GB/composition (2024-2027)

Composition of the Governing Body of the International labour Office

Appointment of Governing Body committees and bodies and of the Board of the International Training Centre of the ILO
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Appointment of Governing Body committees and bodies and of the Board of the International Training Centre of the ILO

Complaint alleging non-observance by Guatemala of C87 and C98
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Complaint alleging non-observance by Guatemala of C87 and C98

Follow-up to the report of the Commission of Inquiry concerning the non-observance by Myanmar of Conventions Nos 87 and 29
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Follow-up to the report of the Commission of Inquiry concerning the non-observance by Myanmar of Conventions Nos 87 and 29

Minutes of the 350bis Session of the Governing Body of the International Labour Office
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Minutes of the 350bis Session of the Governing Body of the International Labour Office

Decision concerning the Financial report and audited consolidated financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2023
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Decision concerning the Financial report and audited consolidated financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2023

Decision concerning the proposed amendments to the terms of reference of the Independent Oversight Advisory Committee
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Decision concerning the proposed amendments to the terms of reference of the Independent Oversight Advisory Committee

Approved symposia, seminars, workshops and similar meetings (351st Session)
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Approved symposia, seminars, workshops and similar meetings (351st Session)

Approval of the minutes of the 350th Session of the Governing Body
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Approval of the minutes of the 350th Session of the Governing Body

Minutes of the 350th Session of the Governing Body of the International Labour Office
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Minutes of the 350th Session of the Governing Body of the International Labour Office

Minutes of the Programme, Financial and Administrative Section (350th Session)
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Minutes of the Programme, Financial and Administrative Section (350th Session)

Minutes of the Legal Issues and International Labour Standards Section (350th Session)
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Minutes of the Legal Issues and International Labour Standards Section (350th Session)

Minutes of the Policy Development Section (350th Session)
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Minutes of the Policy Development Section (350th Session)

Minutes of the Institutional Section (350th Session)
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Minutes of the Institutional Section (350th Session)

Developments in the application of the resolution concerning the Russian Federation’s aggression against Ukraine from the perspective of the mandate of the International Labour Organization
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Developments in the application of the resolution concerning the Russian Federation’s aggression against Ukraine from the perspective of the mandate of the International Labour Organization

Review of the functioning of the Governing Body, identification of possible areas for improvement and arrangements and time frame for results-based follow-up action
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Review of the functioning of the Governing Body, identification of possible areas for improvement and arrangements and time frame for results-based follow-up action

Compendium of rules applicable to the Governing Body of the International Labour Office: Introductory note, Standing Orders and Annexes
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Compendium of rules applicable to the Governing Body of the International Labour Office: Introductory note, Standing Orders and Annexes

Proposed amendments to the terms of reference of the Independent Oversight Advisory Committee
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Proposed amendments to the terms of reference of the Independent Oversight Advisory Committee