All news for country

APESO 2024
Asia-Pacific labour markets show recovery amidst looming demographic challenges

Ensuring safety and health at work in a changing climate

Skill development
Lifelong learning vital for workers and businesses to navigate Asia's skills landscape evolution

Safe and Fair project
Realizing women migrant workers’ rights in ASEAN region – main outcomes

Skills development
Path ahead for Mutual Recognition of Skills in ASEAN mapped out

Youth employment in ASEAN
ASEAN, UNICEF, ILO regional dialogue delivers joint recommendation to advance region’s youth

Asia-Pacific labour market insights
More than one in four workers in South-East Asia employed in global supply chains

Forced Labour
Brunei Darussalam joins the global movement against forced labour

Migrant workers
ILO welcomes ASEAN Declaration protecting migrant workers and families in crisis situations

Women entrepreneurs connect across ASEAN

The tourism sector
ILO research highlights massive COVID-19 impact on tourism employment in Asia and the Pacific

Asia-Pacific labour market insights
Labour productivity trends in Asia and the Pacific highlight uneven COVID-19 impacts

Asia-Pacific labour market insights
Getting older: Confronting Asia and the Pacific’s ageing labour force

Press release
ILO forecasts slow jobs recovery in ASEAN region

10 years on from the ILO Domestic Workers Convention: What has changed?

Green jobs in ASEAN
Further policy strengthening required for green jobs to meet full ASEAN potential

ILO/UN Women study
Public attitudes towards migrant workers remain unfavourable in ASEAN destination countries

Migrating in ASEAN with a mobile phone: Gender gaps are not only in migrants’ salaries, but also in digital access

Bolstering the efforts to ensure decent working conditions for women migrants in Thai construction sector

What Asian countries should not miss while preparing the future of work