All news for region
Resilient and sustainable supply chains need decent work, says ILO Caribbean at UNCTAD global forum
Thirty-one students in Trinidad and Tobago become ambassadors against child labour
Caribbean and South African labour officials host knowledge exchange on dispute resolution
ILO provides inputs to Trinidad and Tobago’s process to update its HIV and AIDS workplace legislation and policy
Sustainable tourism and wood-processing earmarked by ILO as growth sectors in Suriname’s indigenous and marron communities
Strengthening labour legislation and social dialogue identified as priority areas for ILO support in Grenada
Belize officials and ILO identify needs for support and collaboration
Representatives from 14 sectors across Trinidad gather to develop Hazardous Forms of Child Labour and Light Work Lists
Suriname’s National Decent Work Commission hosts stakeholder session on labour market governance and labour rights
The Bahamas presents national strategies for skills development at ILO Global Skills Forum
ILO consultancy
Consultancy: Facilitation of a Virtual Training of Trainers Workshop on the ILO’s SIYB Methodology
ILO meetings in Suriname focus on DWCP advancements
ILO discussions with tripartite partners in Jamaica identify opportunities for cooperation
ILO conducts enterprise formalization training in Suriname
ILO hosts knowledge exchange session on dispute resolution with The Bahamas and Grenada
Suriname officials validate National Social Protection Strategy
BVI launches “Secure Your Tomorrow” to encourage greater participation in social security system
Barbados re-establishes National Child Labour Committee
Guyana Ministry of Labour hosts sensitization sessions on workplace legislation
ILO Caribbean Director addresses labour market transformation during regional UN meeting
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