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Implementation of ILO Code of Practice in the Tea and Textile Sectors
Tripartite Member during the conference

Tea and Textile Sectors

Implementation of ILO Code of Practice in the Tea and Textile Sectors

ILO and three trade union federations on garment sector launch grievance applications for Indonesian garment workers
Representatives of the ILO and three confederations and federations launch the grievance applications for garment workers.

Press release

ILO and three trade union federations on garment sector launch grievance applications for Indonesian garment workers

ILO welcomes the Doha Dialogue on mobility of migrant workers between Africa and Arab countries
a woman speaking on stage

ILO welcomes the Doha Dialogue on mobility of migrant workers between Africa and Arab countries

Caribbean and South African labour officials host knowledge exchange on dispute resolution
Persons shake hands in agreement

Caribbean and South African labour officials host knowledge exchange on dispute resolution

Strengthening labour legislation and social dialogue identified as priority areas for ILO support in Grenada
ILO Team with BCCI representatives, Belize

Strengthening labour legislation and social dialogue identified as priority areas for ILO support in Grenada

Cambodia and International Labour Organization agree work priorities until 2028
The 2024-28 Decent Work Country Programme (DWCP) for Cambodia was signed on 10 May 2024. © ILO

Cambodia and International Labour Organization agree work priorities until 2028

The 13th Labour Assembly concluded with a call for inclusive and effective social dialogue to address challenges in the world of work
13th Labour Assembly Türkiye stage


The 13th Labour Assembly concluded with a call for inclusive and effective social dialogue to address challenges in the world of work

ILO Director-General briefs Chilean constituents on work to advance social justice
Director General de OIT y Ministra del Trabajo de Chile, Jeannette Jara

ILO Director-General briefs Chilean constituents on work to advance social justice

The 13th Labour Assembly concludes with a call to more effective social dialogue in addressing labour challenges, importance of adhering to ILO standards
ILO Assistant Director General and Regional Director for Europe and Central Asia Ms. Beate Andrees speaking at a podium

The 13th Labour Assembly concludes with a call to more effective social dialogue in addressing labour challenges, importance of adhering to ILO standards

The 13th Labour Assembly Convenes, Addressing Türkiye's Labour Landscape, and Advocates for Social Dialogue and Decent Work
Participants at the 13th Labour Assembly in Turkiye

The 13th Labour Assembly Convenes, Addressing Türkiye's Labour Landscape, and Advocates for Social Dialogue and Decent Work

Pacific employment report reveals persistent challenges despite job growth
Villagers in Samoa

Press release

Pacific employment report reveals persistent challenges despite job growth

Decent work towards 2050: Joint ILO-PIF Pacific Tripartite High-Level Dialogue opens
ILO Assistant Director-General and Regional Director for Asia and the Pacific Chihoko Asada-Miyakawa greets Fiji President Wiliame Katonivere

Press release

Decent work towards 2050: Joint ILO-PIF Pacific Tripartite High-Level Dialogue opens

Greater social justice is the cornerstone of a more sustained recovery, ILO tells World Bank and IMF
IMF and World Bank spring meetings 2024 logo

Spring Meetings of the World Bank and the IMF

Greater social justice is the cornerstone of a more sustained recovery, ILO tells World Bank and IMF

Pacific Tripartite High-Level Dialogue on Decent Work and the 2050 Strategy for the Blue Pacific Continent to take place 23-26 April 2024 in Suva, Fiji
Participants of the Pacific Tripartite High-Level Dialogue on Decent Work and the 2050 Strategy for the Blue Pacific Continent in Suva, Fiji

Media advisory

Pacific Tripartite High-Level Dialogue on Decent Work and the 2050 Strategy for the Blue Pacific Continent to take place 23-26 April 2024 in Suva, Fiji

Namibia launches a National Coordination Mechanism for decent work in the fisheries sector.
Placeholder image

Namibia launches a National Coordination Mechanism for decent work in the fisheries sector.

Held the VI Tripartite Seminar on the application in Spain of the Maritime Labor Convention MLC, 2006
Foto general de los participantes durante el Seminario Tripartito sobre la aplicación en España del Convenio sobre trabajo marítimo MLC, 2006, abril de 2024

Held the VI Tripartite Seminar on the application in Spain of the Maritime Labor Convention MLC, 2006

Centenary Declaration: A historic pact to advance social justice in Ethiopia
Placeholder image

Centenary Declaration: A historic pact to advance social justice in Ethiopia

DA, DOLE lead aquaculture project advisory on decent work and responsible business conduct
Placeholder image

DA, DOLE lead aquaculture project advisory on decent work and responsible business conduct

Decent work and responsible business conduct in aquaculture: Pioneering partnership
Placeholder image

Decent work and responsible business conduct in aquaculture: Pioneering partnership

Indonesia establishes the first MRC for migrant fishing vessel crews in Pemalang Regency
people working between dock and boat

Indonesia establishes the first MRC for migrant fishing vessel crews in Pemalang Regency