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Partnership for Action on Green Economy (PAGE) in Asia
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Partnership for Action on Green Economy (PAGE) in Asia

International Labour and Environmental Standards Application in Pakistan’s SMEs (ILES)
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International labour standards

International Labour and Environmental Standards Application in Pakistan’s SMEs (ILES)

Rural Entrepreneurship, Investment and Trade (STREIT) Programme
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EU-STREIT Project in Papua New Guinea

Rural Entrepreneurship, Investment and Trade (STREIT) Programme

The social dimension of the ecological transition
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The social dimension of the ecological transition

Labour Mobility for Sustainable Development and Climate Resilience in the Pacific (Kiribati, Tuvalu, Solomon Islands, Vanuatu, Fiji)
Group work during the Multi-Country Training on Promoting Fair and Ethical Recruitment, Port Vila, Vanuatu

Labour migration

Labour Mobility for Sustainable Development and Climate Resilience in the Pacific (Kiribati, Tuvalu, Solomon Islands, Vanuatu, Fiji)

Advancing the SDGs by Improving Livelihoods and Resilience via Economic Diversification and Digital Transformation
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SDG acceleration

Advancing the SDGs by Improving Livelihoods and Resilience via Economic Diversification and Digital Transformation

Innovation Regions for a Just Energy Transition (IKI-JET)
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Innovation Regions for a Just Energy Transition (IKI-JET)

Pacific Climate Change Migration and Human Security – Phase II
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Labour migration

Pacific Climate Change Migration and Human Security – Phase II

Employment Intensive Investment Programme (EIIP) and Decent Employment in Jordan
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Employment Intensive Investment Programme (EIIP) and Decent Employment in Jordan

Employment Intensive Investment Programme (EIIP) and Decent Employment in Jordan – Phase II
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Employment Intensive Investment Programme (EIIP) and Decent Employment in Jordan – Phase II

Towards more and better employment through enhanced support to private sectors in southern Iraq – with a focus on green business
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Towards more and better employment through enhanced support to private sectors in southern Iraq – with a focus on green business

Building Inclusive Markets and Decent Work for Syrian Refugees and Lebanese Host Communities (BOUZOUR)
green field with lemon trees

Building Inclusive Markets and Decent Work for Syrian Refugees and Lebanese Host Communities (BOUZOUR)

Climate adaptation and insurance in the Pacific
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Climate adaptation and insurance in the Pacific

Wildey Green Business Support Pilot Programme
Reduce carbon footprint concept image concept to promote green business

ILO and PAGE Project

Wildey Green Business Support Pilot Programme

Promoting social cohesion through economic inclusion and job creation for refugees and host communities in the moughataa of Bassikounou
Construction site for the Mbera Training and Professional Qualification Center (CFQP)

Employment-intensive investment

Promoting social cohesion through economic inclusion and job creation for refugees and host communities in the moughataa of Bassikounou

Agroforestry Skills for Employment and Resilience in Timor-Leste
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Agroforestry Skills for Employment and Resilience in Timor-Leste