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Survey for Co-creating a Joint Work Plan for Improving Access to Remedy of Migrant Workers from South-East Asia to Japan
Vietnamese migrant workers about to travel to Japan

Labour migration

Survey for Co-creating a Joint Work Plan for Improving Access to Remedy of Migrant Workers from South-East Asia to Japan

Skills Development and Responsible Business Conduct
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Skills Development and Responsible Business Conduct

Skills Development and Responsible Business Conduct for Transition
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Skills Development and Responsible Business Conduct for Transition

Promoting the Global Development Initiative with a Focus on South-South Cooperation in Employment in ASEAN

Employment promotion and South-South and Triangular cooperation

Promoting the Global Development Initiative with a Focus on South-South Cooperation in Employment in ASEAN

Innovation Regions for a Just Energy Transition (IKI-JET)
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Innovation Regions for a Just Energy Transition (IKI-JET)

The Care Economy in Indonesia
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The Care Economy in Indonesia

Resilient, Inclusive and Sustainable Supply Chains Asia (RISSC)
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Tripartism and social dialogue

Resilient, Inclusive and Sustainable Supply Chains Asia (RISSC)

Resilient, Inclusive and Sustainable Supply Chains Asia (RISSC) in Indonesia
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Tripartism and social dialogue

Resilient, Inclusive and Sustainable Supply Chains Asia (RISSC) in Indonesia

Building Social Protection Floors for All - Phase II
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Building Social Protection Floors for All - Phase II

Strengthening Industrial Relations in Indonesia Project
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Strengthening Industrial Relations in Indonesia Project

Promoting SME Enterprises through Improved Entrepreneurs’ Access to Financial Services (PROMISE II IMPACT)
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Promoting SME Enterprises through Improved Entrepreneurs’ Access to Financial Services (PROMISE II IMPACT)

Strengthening Labour Market Information Systems (LMIS) in ASEAN for better skills and employment policies
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Skills development

Strengthening Labour Market Information Systems (LMIS) in ASEAN for better skills and employment policies

Promotion of C190 Ratification and Prevention of Violence and Harassment at Work in Indonesia
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Promotion of C190 Ratification and Prevention of Violence and Harassment at Work in Indonesia

Enhancing COVID-19 Prevention at and through Workplaces: Job creation through Business Re-opening and Continuation
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Enhancing COVID-19 Prevention at and through Workplaces: Job creation through Business Re-opening and Continuation

Promoting and Building Social Protection in Asia (Viet Nam - 4th phase)
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Promoting and Building Social Protection in Asia (Viet Nam - 4th phase)

Promoting and Building Social Protection in Asia (Indonesia - 4th phase)
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Social protection

Promoting and Building Social Protection in Asia (Indonesia - 4th phase)

Multi Partner Fund
Multi Partner Fund project

Child labour and forced labour

Multi Partner Fund

Employment and Livelihood Project
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Employment and Livelihood Project

Improving Workers’ Rights in Rural Sectors of Indonesia with a focus on Women
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Workers' rights in rural sectors

Improving Workers’ Rights in Rural Sectors of Indonesia with a focus on Women

Improved Workers' Rights in Rural Sectors of the Indo-Pacific with a Focus on Women
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Workers' rights in rural sectors

Improved Workers' Rights in Rural Sectors of the Indo-Pacific with a Focus on Women