All projects in country
Safety + Health for All in Maghreb countries: Promoting a safe and healthy working environment for workers in vulnerable situations such as young workers and women
Social Protection
Expanding Social insurance for agricultural workers in the Arab region
The social dimension of the ecological transition
Social Dialogue for Formalization and Employability in the Southern Neighbourhood Region
METI Project
Mainstreaming Employment into Trade and Investment in the Southern Mediterranean
Towards a Holistic Approach to Labour Migration Governance and Labour Mobility in North Africa (THAMM)
Advancing the Decent Work Agenda in North Africa (ADWA') - Pilot Phase
Professional integration of young people in Algeria through a stronger civil society
Promoting Productive and Decent work for Youth in Tunisia, Morocco, Algeria and Mauritania
Implementing the Common Agenda for Gender Equality and Empowerment of Women in Algeria
Supporting the Social and Professional Reintegration of North African Return Migrants (SURE)