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Enabling Success: Supporting youth in MENA in their transition from learning to decent work
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Enabling Success: Supporting youth in MENA in their transition from learning to decent work

ONE PAGER - Administrative barriers, capacity constraints and solutions for the inclusion of agricultural workers in social insurance schemes in the Middle East and North Africa
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Social Protection

ONE PAGER - Administrative barriers, capacity constraints and solutions for the inclusion of agricultural workers in social insurance schemes in the Middle East and North Africa

Administrative barriers, capacity constraints and solutions for the inclusion of agricultural workers in social insurance schemes in the Middle East and North Africa
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Social Protection

Administrative barriers, capacity constraints and solutions for the inclusion of agricultural workers in social insurance schemes in the Middle East and North Africa

ONE PAGER - Financing social insurance schemes for agricultural workers in the Middle East and North Africa
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Social Protection

ONE PAGER - Financing social insurance schemes for agricultural workers in the Middle East and North Africa

Financing social insurance schemes for agricultural workers in the Middle East and North Africa
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Social Protection

Financing social insurance schemes for agricultural workers in the Middle East and North Africa

ONE PAGER - The role of social insurance schemes in addressing the risks faced by agricultural workers in the Middle East and North Africa
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Social Protection

ONE PAGER - The role of social insurance schemes in addressing the risks faced by agricultural workers in the Middle East and North Africa

Methodological note for the project ‘Expanding social insurance for agricultural workers in Middle East and North Africa (MENA) countries: identifying key constraints and discussing policy options’
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Social Protection

Methodological note for the project ‘Expanding social insurance for agricultural workers in Middle East and North Africa (MENA) countries: identifying key constraints and discussing policy options’

The role of social insurance schemes in addressing the risks faced by agricultural workers in the Middle East and North Africa
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Social Protection

The role of social insurance schemes in addressing the risks faced by agricultural workers in the Middle East and North Africa

Trade, investment and employment in the Southern Mediterranean Countries
Cover for METI report on Trade, investments and employment in the Southern Mediterranean Countries

Thematic Report

Trade, investment and employment in the Southern Mediterranean Countries

Executive summary: Trade, investment and employment in the Southern Mediterranean Countries
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Thematic Report

Executive summary: Trade, investment and employment in the Southern Mediterranean Countries

World Social Protection Report 2020–22: Regional companion report for the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region
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World Social Protection Report 2020–22: Regional companion report for the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region

Regional Report on Jobs and Growth in North Africa 2020
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Regional Report on Jobs and Growth in North Africa 2020

Factsheet: ADWA' project
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Factsheet: ADWA' project

Ten Year Action Plan on the Eradication of Child Labour, Forced Labour, Human Trafficking and Modern Slavery In Africa (2020-2030): Agenda 2063-SDG Target 8.7
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Ten Year Action Plan on the Eradication of Child Labour, Forced Labour, Human Trafficking and Modern Slavery In Africa (2020-2030): Agenda 2063-SDG Target 8.7

Brochure: ADWA' Project
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Brochure: ADWA' Project

Coopération Sud-Sud et Triangulaire : L’engagement de l’OIT en Algérie
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Coopération Sud-Sud et Triangulaire : L’engagement de l’OIT en Algérie

Trade Accelerator for Young Entrepreneurs in Morocco
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Impact brief, Issue 12

Trade Accelerator for Young Entrepreneurs in Morocco

Trade Accelerator for Young Entrepreneurs in Morocco
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Impact brief, Issue 12

Trade Accelerator for Young Entrepreneurs in Morocco

Fostering employment through business support to young entrepreneurs in Lebanon
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Impact brief, Issue 13

Fostering employment through business support to young entrepreneurs in Lebanon

Realizing Innovation through Social Entrepreneurship
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Impact brief, Issue 16

Realizing Innovation through Social Entrepreneurship