All publications for country
ILO Working paper 109
Working conditions of subnational government workers in selected African countries
Understanding informality and child labour in sub-Saharan Africa
An appraisal of EIIP’s longer-term development impacts
The ILO at Work in Africa
Success Africa VI: Sustaining the World of Work in the COVID-19 pandemic era
The sixth edition of Success Africa focuses on the world of work during the COVID-19 pandemic. It demonstrates the transformative power of collaboration between governments, the private sector, civil society, international development agencies and donors during a critical time.During the pandemic, the ILO’s collaboration with its tripartite partners had a significant impact on improving the world of work for all. The stories told in this edition therefore showcase the impact of the ILO’s projects, working with its tripartite constituents across Africa, implemented between 2020 and 2021, organized under four key themes:Creating jobsProtecting peoplePromoting dialogueAdvancing rightsIn doing so, this publication provides insight into the ILO’s initiatives in Africa. We hope it will encourage reflection and implementation of the Abidjan Declaration: Advancing Social Justice: Shaping the Future of Work in Africa.
Comparative Study of Rapid Assessments of Reskilling and Upskilling Needs due to the Covid-19 Crisis
Social and solidarity economy: Social innovation catalyst in Africa?
Rapid assessment of reskilling and upskilling needs arising from the effects of the COVID-19: Baseline study for Cameroon
Ten Year Action Plan on the Eradication of Child Labour, Forced Labour, Human Trafficking and Modern Slavery In Africa (2020-2030): Agenda 2063-SDG Target 8.7
ILO Country brief
Cameroon - Rapid evaluation of the impact of COVID-19 on employment and the labour market
Safety and health in micro-, small and medium-sized enterprises: A collection of five case studies
Social protection in action: Exploring public options of social health protection for refugees in West and Central Africa
Contribution of employment-intensive investment approaches to the achievement of SDGs in Cameroon
Improving indigenous peoples’ access to justice and development through strategic monitoring- Final Evaluation Summary
Small and medium enterprises’ response to HIV and AIDS
Supporting the implementation of indigenous peoples rights in Nepal, Peru and Central African Republic through enhanced participation of neighbouring and regional actors - (Evaluation Summary)
Indigenous peoples in Cameroon: a guide for media professionals
Strategic HIV/AIDS Response in Enterprises (SHARE): Public-Private Partnership
Fiscal rules, growth and employment: A developing country perspective
Leaving No One Behind: Reaching Key Populations through workplace action on HIV and AIDS
Réalisation des garanties du Socle de Protection sociale au Cameroun