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Framework for action on child labour 2023-2025
Framework for action on child labour 2023-2025

Framework for action on child labour 2023-2025

This Framework for Action outlines the ILO’s contribution to the implementation of the Durban Call to Action based on in-depth analyses of what has worked, what has not, and what course correction may be required.

Survey on tenant growers in Malawi’s tobacco industry
Malawi Tenancy Survey 2024

Survey on tenant growers in Malawi’s tobacco industry

This report presents the findings of the Malawi Tenancy Survey. This research, undertaken by the National Statistical Office with the technical and financial assistance of the ILO, marks a significant milestone in our ongoing efforts to understand and improve the working conditions within the tobacco sector of Malawi.Carried out in 2022, this comprehensive survey was designed to collect data on a wide range of demographic and socio-economic aspects of households involved in the cultivation of tobacco. The overarching goal was to provide a current and detailed overview of the extent and characteristics of the tenancy system within Malawi, offering vital information to policymakers and stakeholders to tackle decent work deficits and support the government's efforts in transitioning towards more equitable employment practices.                                                                                                               This report presents the findings of the Malawi Tenancy Survey. This research, undertaken by the National Statistical Office with the technical and financial assistance of the ILO, marks a significant milestone in our ongoing efforts to understand and improve the working conditions within the tobacco sector of Malawi.              

ILO Office for Türkiye, May 2024 Newsletter
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ILO Office for Türkiye, May 2024 Newsletter

Access ILO Office for Türkiye, May 2024 Newsletter

Nigeria Child Labour Survey 2022
Nigeria Child Labour Survey 2022 Report Cover

Nigeria Child Labour Survey 2022

Terms Of Reference: Assessment of Budget Allocations and Opportunities For Resource Mobilization
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Terms Of Reference: Assessment of Budget Allocations and Opportunities For Resource Mobilization

ILO Central and Eastern Europe Newsletter March 2024
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ILO Central and Eastern Europe Newsletter March 2024

Read the Newsletter online Beneficiary storyAlla Zhuravel, a beneficary of the ILO "Start and Improve Your Business" training in Kyiv, Ukraine, also a trainer herself by now.  Note from the editorThe war in Ukraine enters its third year. The ILO and the government of Ukraine have agreed on a strategy to set the country on the path to decent work by investing in people, creating quality employment and sustainable enterprises, and improving labour market governance. The newly established ILO Country Office in Kyiv will ensure the necessary and timely onsite support, in collaboration with the UN and development partners. In Georgia and in Montenegro, tripartite constituents met in a workshop to discuss their objectives in terms of improving social dialogue, creating inclusive and productive employment,  improving working conditions and to set clear expected results for the two to four years to come. In Albania and Moldova, they met at the tripartite level to discuss the progress made in the implementation of their Decent Work Country Programmes, the hurdles on the way, and what more needs to be done to arrive at the desired outcomes.The ILO have mobilised additional resources through technical cooperation projects, with the EU, SIDA, Austria, Liechtenstein, GiZ and the SDG Acceleration Fund as key development partners. New resultsStep-by-Step: Albanian textile and footwear factories improve productivity and working conditionsNew safety standards on chemicals expected to improve workers' health and support conflict recovery in Ukraine Georgia joins efforts to protect seafarers' rights by ratifying the Maritime Labour Convention ILO supports an improved normative framework and better capacities to combat child labour in Serbia Shaping migration narratives:  Insights from the ILO/OSCE E-MINDFUL projectHow digitalization, paired with artificial intelligence, helps labour inspectors fight undetected work in AlbaniaVIDEO: Voices of beneficiaries: Local Employment Partnership Gradiska, Bosnia and Herzegovina New projects signedBusiness partnerships and solutions for SDGs in Albania Phase 2EU support to improved quality of VET education (EU4Employment and Education) in Bosnia and Herzegovina)Skills for an environmentally sustainable transition in Moldova Digital, inclusive and transformative: Quality education for Montenegro Strengthening social dialogue in the Republic of Serbia Improving accessibility and effectiveness of grievance mechanisms for workers in Serbian enterprises in EU-based companiesYouth Guarantee Technical Facility Phase 2 Three essential questionsHow did the war impact the Ukrainian labour market? (Interview with Oleksandr Zholud, Chief Expert, Monetary Policy and Economic Analysis Department at National Bank of Ukraine)Meet the SpecialistVIDEO: ILO Specialist Maria Jose Chamorro, Gender Specialist explains her strategy as she works to achieve an enabling environment for women who wish to engage in paid work. Magnus Berge, Workers' Activities Specialist talks about how the ILO assist trade unions so that they can promote better working conditions and rights for workers in the sub-region. Fresh off the printing press The gender pay gap in Montenegro. A statistical update and policy implications (also in Montenegrin) An evaluation of Montenegro's 2022 minimum wage and income tax reform Rapid assessment on child labour in agriculture in Kosovo (also in Albanian and Serbian) Analysis of care system expansion in post-Socialist EU members states: lessons learnt and good practices (also in Ukrainian) Reflections on the introduction of Universal Labour Guarantee in selected Central and Eastern European countries Workers' representatives in selected Central and Eastern European countries: Filling the gap in labour rights protection or trade union competition? Data mining and machine learning: Supporting labour inspectorates to address undeclared workGuidelines for reinforcing the role of labour inspectors in addressing undeclared workRegional Peer Review Report of the Labour Inspectorates of Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina (entity Federation of BiH--Sarajevo Canton and entity Republika Srpska), Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia and SerbiaInformal employment and undeclared work in the Horeca sector: Findings from North Macedonia Staff news New staff joining the team          

An Integrated Model for the Elimination of the Worst Forms of Child Labour in Seasonal Agriculture in Hazelnut Harvesting in Türkiye” Project September – December 2023 Newsletter
Newsletter Sept-Dec2023_Child labour


An Integrated Model for the Elimination of the Worst Forms of Child Labour in Seasonal Agriculture in Hazelnut Harvesting in Türkiye” Project September – December 2023 Newsletter

RISE for IMPACT: Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work in the Cotton Supply Chain – A New Phase, A New Vision (UZBEKISTAN)
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Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work

RISE for IMPACT: Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work in the Cotton Supply Chain – A New Phase, A New Vision (UZBEKISTAN)

ILO IPEC+ Global Flagship Programme Implementation
Cover page IPEC+ Global Flagship Program

ILO IPEC+ Global Flagship Programme Implementation

The IPEC+ Global Flagship Programme – in line with Target 8.7 of the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda – seeks to provide ILO leadership in global efforts to eradicate all forms of child labour by 2025 and all forms of contemporary slavery and human trafficking by 2030. It also aims to ensure that all people are protected from – and can protect themselves against – these gross human rights violations.

Ethical guidelines for research on child labour
Cover_Ethical guidelines for research on child labour

Ethical guidelines for research on child labour

ILO Caribbean NewsLink December 2023
ILO Carribean Newsletter Dec 2023

ILO Caribbean NewsLink December 2023

Meta-analysis of the effects of interventions on child labour
Meta-analysis of the effects of interventions on child labour [Cover]

Meta-analysis of the effects of interventions on child labour

Understanding informality and child labour in sub-Saharan Africa
Understanding informality and child labour in sub-Saharan Africa [Cover]

Understanding informality and child labour in sub-Saharan Africa

Issue paper on child labour and climate change
Issue paper on child labour and climate change [cover]

Issue paper

Issue paper on child labour and climate change

Issue paper on child labour and climate change - Executive summary
Cover_Executive summary_Issue paper Child labour Climate change

Issue paper on child labour and climate change - Executive summary

National Alliance 8.7 Strategic Road Map 2023 - 2030
Cover_National Alliance 8.7 Road map 2023-2030_Malawi

National Alliance 8.7 Strategic Road Map 2023 - 2030

Target 8.7 calls for “immediate and effective measures to eradicate forced labour, end modern slavery and human trafficking and secure the prohibition and elimination of the worst forms of child labour, including recruitment and use of child soldiers, and by 2025 end child labour in all its forms”.Some 231 organizations including government institutions, workers’ organizations, employers’ organizations, civil society organizations, and UN specialized agencies, funds and programmes, amongst others, are Alliance 8.7 partners.

An Integrated Model for the Elimination of the Worst Forms of Child Labour in Seasonal Agriculture in Hazelnut Harvesting in Türkiye” Project May – August 2023 Newsletter
Cover_An Integrated Model for the Elimination of the Worst Forms of Child Labour in Seasonal Agriculture in Hazelnut Harvesting in Türkiye” Project May – August 2023 Newsletter


An Integrated Model for the Elimination of the Worst Forms of Child Labour in Seasonal Agriculture in Hazelnut Harvesting in Türkiye” Project May – August 2023 Newsletter

Newsletter #4 - December 2023
Cover Newsletter ILO Eastern Europe central Asia_Dec2023

Newsletter #4 - December 2023

Rapid assessment on child labour in agriculture in Kosovo
Cover_Rapid assessment on child labour in agriculture in Kosovo

Rapid assessment on child labour in agriculture in Kosovo

8.7 Accelerator Lab Integrated Report
Cover_The 8.7 Accelerator Lab Initiative A snapshot of the Journey of the 8.7 Accelerator Lab Initiative

8.7 Accelerator Lab Integrated Report