All publications for topic
Regulation of working times, driving times and rest periods for commercial vehicle drivers: a comparative study
World Employment and Social Outlook 2023: The value of essential work
Executive Summary
World Employment and Social Outlook 2023: The value of essential work [Summary]
Working Time and Work-Life Balance Around the World
L'orario di lavoro nel mondo e la conciliazione del lavoro con la vita privata
Greening Enterprises: Transforming processes and workplaces [Summary]
Greening Enterprises: Transforming processes and workplaces
Imprese più verdi: Trasformare i processi produttivi e i luoghi di lavoro — Sintesi del rapporto
Employment Working Group
Towards more effective labour protection for all workers and increased resilience of the economy
Executive Summary
World Employment and Social Outlook: Trends 2022
Syrian Refugees in Turkey Since 2014
Towards a human-centred agenda: Human resource management in the BRICS countries in the face of global challenges
Purchasing practices and working conditions in global supply chains: Results from field work in Bangladesh, China, India, South Africa and Turkey
Measuring Women and Men’s Work: Main Findings from a Joint ILO and World Bank Study in Sri Lanka
Measuring Women and Men’s Work: Summary of Main Findings and Recommendations from a Joint ILO and World Bank Study in Sri Lanka
Rendere il lavoro dignitoso una realtà per i lavoratori domestici – Sintesi del rapporto
Labour Code 2019
Things employers should know: Working hours and rest periods
World Employment and Social Outlook: Trends 2021
Executive Summary
World Employment and Social Outlook: Trends 2021
Training Policy Brief
How to amend the Sri Lankan labour law to include flexible working arrangements?
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