Employment Policy Action Facility
The ILO’s Employment Policy Action Facility (EPAF) is a knowledge sharing and technical assistance platform, which aims at providing evidence-based, timely and relevant support to member States and social partners in developing, formulating, implementing, financing and reviewing employment policies in line with current and future challenges both at global and national levels.
Diagnostics and Policy Design
Employment Policy Design Lab
Employment Diagnostics Toolbox
How to use EPAF
Policy innovation areas
Pro-employment macroeconomic policies
Structural transformation and sectoral policies
Green recovery and employment policies
Youth employment strategies
Digitalization and employment policies
Gender-responsive employment policies
Employment services to support transitions
Pro-employment budgeting
Key resources
Keep up with the latest trends and policy issues
What are countries doing on policy?
ILO’s capacity building offer on employment policy and analysis
What have we learned over two decades?
See also
What is a National Employment Policy?
Report of the third recurrent discussion on employment
Global Employment Policy Review 2023: Macroeconomic policies for recovery and structural transformation
Has youth employment recovered?
Informality and Structural Transformation in Egypt, Iraq and Jordan
Active Labour Market Programs Improve Employment and Earnings of Young People
ILO Policy Tool
GENSEC: A Gender-responsive Sectoral Policy Tool
Employment, Labour Markets and Youth Branch (EMPLAB)
Employment Policy, Job Creation and Livelihoods Department