Framework for action on child labour 2023-2025
This Framework for Action outlines the ILO’s contribution to the implementation of the Durban Call to Action based on in-depth analyses of what has worked, what has not, and what course correction may be required.
The ILO Framework for Action on Child Labour 2023-2025 is a response to the troubling increase in the number of children in child labour indicated in the 2020 Global Estimates on Child Labour, the first such increase after two decades of decline. The reverberating impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, the climate crisis, and protracted conflicts have led to further increases in child labour. These developments are set against a backdrop of low rates of economic growth, high levels of unemployment and underemployment in many of the most affected countries, and growing inequality. Demographic trends and structural issues, such as continued poor terms of trade for agriculture-based economies, contribute to the challenge.

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Child Labour