Labour Administration, Labour Inspection and Occupational Safety and Health Branch (LABADMIN/OSH)
Achieving decent, safe and healthy working conditions has been central to the mission of the International Labour Organization since its creation in 1919 and an objective that has been reaffirmed in the 1944 Declaration of Philadelphia and the ILO Declaration on Social Justice for Fair Globalization. Almost half of all ILO Conventions and Recommendations, either wholly or in part, address issues related to occupational safety and health (OSH) and a significant number of Conventions and Recommendations similarly address the important role labour administration and labour inspection play in assisting countries to achieving compliance with international labour standards.
The Labour Administration, Labour Inspection and Occupational Safety and Health Branch (LABADMIN/OSH) is responsible for developing and assisting in the implementation of the ILO’s objectives in these important areas through the provision of technical expertise and support on global, regional and national levels. LABADMIN/OSH combines within one branch the responsibilities previously divided between the former Programme on Safety and Health at Work and the Environment (SafeWork) and the Labour Administration and Inspection Programme (LAB/ADMIN). More about mission and vision
The Labour Administration, Labour Inspection and Occupational Safety and Health Branch (LABADMIN/OSH) is responsible for developing and assisting in the implementation of the ILO’s objectives in these important areas through the provision of technical expertise and support on global, regional and national levels. LABADMIN/OSH combines within one branch the responsibilities previously divided between the former Programme on Safety and Health at Work and the Environment (SafeWork) and the Labour Administration and Inspection Programme (LAB/ADMIN). More about mission and vision
The Future of Work
The Future of Work
An ILO Flagship Programme
Safety + Health for All - A Global Programme for Positive Change
Safety + Health for All - A Global Programme for Positive Change
Occupational safety and health in the context of COVID19
Occupational safety and health in the context of COVID19
Technical resources by
Thematic areas
Decent work and the 2030 Agenda for sustainable development
Decent work and the 2030 Agenda for sustainable development