Social and Solidarity Economy
The social and solidarity economy (SSE) contributes to decent work, inclusive and sustainable economies, social justice and sustainable development.
News and articles
Spotlight Interviews with Co-operators
Interview with Prof. Carmen Marcuello, Director of GESES and President of OIBESCOOP
ILO participates in the 11th Asia Pacific Cooperative Ministers’ Conference hosted by the ICA-AP and Jordan
Guidance and resources
Education and training
Colombia: An assessment summary
Providing care through the social and solidarity economy - Colombia
Lebanon: An assessment summary
Providing care through the social and solidarity economy - Lebanon
Providing care through the social and solidarity economy - Occupied Palestinian Territory
Key report
ILC.110/Report VI
Decent work and the social and solidarity economy
Thematic pages
JEUN’ESS: Promotion of Social and Solidarity Economy and Creation of Decent Jobs for Tunisian Youth
Strengthening the Social and Solidarity Economy in Asia
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Related topics
Social finance