Strengthening the Labour Administration System and Improving Delivery Capacity - Greece
This project promoted effective labour administration as an important component of good governance and economic progress in crises contexts.
1 September 2016 - 28 February 2018
Development partner(s)
European Commission, Structural Reform Support Service
Additional details
Access project dashboardIn June 2016, a Supplemental Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the European Commission, the Hellenic Republic and the Bank of Greece detailed requirements for the Greek Government to strengthen the capacity of its labour administration. In this context, the European Commission sought ILO’s expertise on labour administration to review the current institutional framework, roles, responsibilities and duties of the Ministry of Labour, Social Security and Social Solidarity (MLSSSS) to better develop and implement policies and programmes responsive to the new economic and social context and to further develop the capacities of human resources to be able to fully engage in necessary reforms.
The project worked in close collaboration with the Greek MLSSSS, the European Commission and employers’ and workers’ organizations in Greece.
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Strengthening the Labour Administration System and Improving Delivery Capacity in Greece - Project Results
Strengthening the Labour Administration System and Improving Delivery Capacity in Greece - Project Results