Arab States
The International Labour Organization (ILO) established its Regional Office for Arab States (ILO ROAS) in 1976 and has worked ever since to advance the ILO’s core values across the Arab region.
Latest news and stories
Partners pledge support to ILO’s Palestinian labour market recovery programme
ILO assessment
War propels unemployment to close to 80 per cent and shrinks GDP by 83.5 per cent in the Gaza Strip
Development Cooperation Dashboard
The dashboard offers interactive visualizations of ILO development cooperation projects across the Arab States
Projects and programmes
Building Equitable and Inclusive Transformation (BEIT): Towards Decent Work and Affordable Housing in Iraq
Promotion of Small and Medium Sized Enterprises (SMEs) in Iraq
Informality and Structural Transformation in Egypt, Iraq and Jordan
Lebanon: An assessment summary
Providing care through the social and solidarity economy - Lebanon
Arab Social Protection Compass Webinar series: Part I
Integrating contributory and non-contributory social protection in Oman
Follow the ILO Regional in the Arab States
Work with us
Aresco Centre - Justinien Street - Kantari
P.O.Box 11-4088 Riad Solh 1107-2150
Beirut – Lebanon
- Tel: 00961-1-752400
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