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Child Labour

There are 160 million of children in child labour

Not all work performed by children is child labour. International standards define child labour as work that is hazardous to a child’s health and development, demands too many hours and/or is performed by children who are too young. Usually, child labour interferes with a child’s right to education and to play. This issue is at the core of the ILO mission. 

News and stories

Voices against child labour: Celebrating ethical reporting of child labour
ACCEL Media Competition News Card

Media competition

Voices against child labour: Celebrating ethical reporting of child labour

Kick-off of CLEAR Supply Chains project in Uganda
CLEAR SC launch in Uganda News card

Kick-off of CLEAR Supply Chains project in Uganda

Research to action on child labour and forced labour
Achieving SDG Target 8.7 Workshop


Research to action on child labour and forced labour

Handbook on fundamental principles and rights at work assessment
Handbook on FPRW assessment

Research methodology

Handbook on fundamental principles and rights at work assessment

Climate change profoundly affects child labour, ILO research finds
child labour and climate change report photo

Child labour and climate change

Climate change profoundly affects child labour, ILO research finds


Framework for action on child labour 2023-2025
Framework for action on child labour Card

Framework for action on child labour 2023-2025

Ethical guidelines for research on child labour
Child labour Ethical Guidelines

Ethical guidelines for research on child labour

Meta-analysis of the effects of interventions on child labour
Meta-analysis of child labour

Meta-analysis of the effects of interventions on child labour

Child Labour: Global estimates 2020

Child Labour: Global estimates 2020

ILO IPEC+ Global Flagship Programme Implementation
IPEC+ Brochure Nov 2023 Card

ILO IPEC+ Global Flagship Programme Implementation

eLearning tools on child labour

Reporting effectively on child labour
Reporting on child labour for media Card

For journalists

Reporting effectively on child labour

Understanding child labour and contributing to its elimination
eLearning Tool Labour Inspection Card

For Labour Inspectors and Child Labour Monitors

Understanding child labour and contributing to its elimination

Child labour and agriculture
ILO FAO eLearning courses Card

ILO-FAO courses

Child labour and agriculture

Our impact, their voices
Children in Viet Nam

Video playlist

Our impact, their voices

Checkpoints for eliminating and preventing child labour: A mobile application against child labour
CL Checkpoints App Card

For companies

Checkpoints for eliminating and preventing child labour: A mobile application against child labour

Get involved in our campaigns against child labour

World Day Against Child Labour - 12 June
Pinwheel logo

World Day Against Child Labour - 12 June

Alliance 8.7 - Global partnership to achieve SDG Target 8.7
Alliance 8.7 logo

Alliance 8.7 - Global partnership to achieve SDG Target 8.7

Regional Initiative Latin America and the Caribbean Free of Child Labour
Iniciativa regional logo

Regional Initiative Latin America and the Caribbean Free of Child Labour

Child Labour Platform (CLP)
CLP logo

Child Labour Platform (CLP)

"Music against Child Labour" Initiative

"Music against Child Labour" Initiative

Red Card to Child Labour!
Red card logo

Red Card to Child Labour!


CLEAR Supply Chains
CLEAR Supply Chains project card (e55231)

Child labour and supply chains

CLEAR Supply Chains

RISE for Impact in the cotton supply chains
RISE for Impact project Card

FPRW in Supply Chains

RISE for Impact in the cotton supply chains

Global Accelerator Lab (GALAB)
GALAB project card

Child labour and forced labour

Global Accelerator Lab (GALAB)

International Labour Standards on child labour

One of the most effective methods of ensuring that children do not start working too young is to set the age at which children can legally be employed or otherwise work. The aim of ILO Convention No. 138  on the minimum age is the effective abolition of child labour by requiring countries to: (1) establish a minimum age for entry into work or employment; and (2) establish national policies for the elimination of child labour.